Practical Multi-Disciplinary Coaching for Farmers
Agronomy – Mindset Coaching – Business Consulting
What you’ll get from farmer to farmer coaching:
A partner in crime
A listening ear
A fresh perspective on your farm
Freedom from your current self-limiting mindsets
Farming can be fun and rewarding, but it can also be a grind. As a farmer, I sometimes find myself so immersed in the details of my own farm, that I get fixed in one way of thinking, and I miss the opportunity of seeing a different perspective or potential solution.
It can be lonely.
Coaching is the tool of excellence when looking to implement a shift in the way that we’re doing things. It’s the breath of fresh air, the listening ear, the partnership towards a new tomorrow.
Topics that we can work on together:
Visioning and goal setting
Time management and prioritization
Systems design and optimization
Presence, mindfulness, and enjoyment
Employee management and training
Communication and relationships
Soil management and fertilization plans
Financial projections and management systems
Habitual self-limiting thoughts and beliefs
Streamlining your bookkeeping and admin
Marketing and sales strategies
Non-farm-related dreams and endeavors